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    Mr. Money
    Mr. Money

    Mood : Parrot Th_coo10
    Posts : 295
    Cash : 324
    Join date : 2009-11-12

    Parrot Empty Parrot

    Post by Mr. Money Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:44 am

    A man comes home only to find his parrot has eaten his viagra. Blind with rage he grabs the bird n throws it into the freezer, telling it that it can bloody well cool off.
    2hrs later he returns to the freezer n opens it up only to find the parrot sweating. "how the hell are you sweating after 2 hours in the freezer" he asks.
    The parrot says gasping for breath, "have you ever tried spreading the legs of a frozen chicken"?

      Current date/time is Mon Nov 11, 2024 3:26 am